Origo Router Utilities
Last updated: 26th August 2004
Welcome to the African Chief's
Origo Router utilities page. At present, there are two utilities (each comes with full Pascal/Delphi source code):
- the
HTZ Tool (HTZ editing, compression and decompression software)
- the
DLF Tool (DLF creation, viewing, and extraction software)
- Crypter (generic WEP key generator)
You download and/or use this software entirely at your own risk!
Note: doing anything to the files in your router's firmware may damage your
router. Do not try any such thing unless you know what you are doing.
HTZ Tool
The ".htz" files stored in Origo router firmwares are basically zlib compressed
files. The HTZ programs allow you to create, decompress, or edit these files.
DLF Tool
The Origo/Safecom/Billion router firmwares sometimes come in DLF files. There are many different DLF file formats. The Origo ones are supported by this tool .
Runtime Library for Linux GUI programs
The Linux versions of these programs were written with Kylix 3. If you do not have Kylix 3 installed on your Linux box, then you will need to download the Qt runtimes. Most people will require only the libborqt
library, but you might as well download the full Borland runtimes. Both are
available all over the place, and with a few Sourceforge projects.
Runtime Library for DLF Windows GUI program
The GUI Windows version of the DLF program was written with the CLX cross-platform
framework (which allows the same code to be compiled for Windows and Linux). It requires
a runtime DLL to run under Windows. The command-line Windows version does not require any external runtimes.
- qtintf70.zip (must be copied into the Windows\system32 directory (NT/Win2k/WinXP/Win2003) or Windows\system directory (Win9x/ME))
Wireless networks need to be secured by 64-bit or 128-bit or 256-bit WEP
encryption. Crypter is a Win32 hexadecimal key generator (command-line and
GUI versions) for wireless access points/routers/adapters. This program is not supplied with the source code.